Wednesday, November 7, 2012

So What Happened?

After my last post some of you are probably wondering what happened with my intent (and progress) toward publishing my book with the previous publishing company whom I signed a contract with more than a year ago.  Well, they canceled the contract last month.  THEY canceled it, not me.  What I'm going to do in a week or so is tell you the backstory of what was going on because I think you should know.

And I think you should know that what happened had absolutely nothing to do with me, at all.

I'll be providing verbatim email records proving my case and interweaving some of the observations I made over the course of the last 1.5 years that gave me clues that something was off and that publication may have been in trouble.

It is incredible, however, to be a witness to the insider, cut throat business that is book publishing.

Stay tuned, and until then...

To the upward reach of man.

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